Profile Id 8754

Samba Gainé S...

Qualification professionnelle Qualification

Administration RH


Ressources Humaines



Années d’expérience

Taux horaire

EUR 10


I was in charge of the safety of MOOLMANS, SFTP, BME, SURVEY and WASSA Mining etc. At Yatela, I oversaw the Safety of Mining department, SFTP and AMS. My duty was to assist, support and coach Mining department and all its contractors and subcontractors in term of Safety. This was a big challenge and responsibility. But I liked that position. Working with different companies with different safety culture is a knowledge which can improve my experience on field. It can also develop my coaching skills and approach towards our clients. At SEMOS & Yatela we did all we could to meet, communicate, educate, train, coach, motivate people and provide adequate equipment to our workforces so that to remove unsafe acts or conditions from our sites. Thus, when an incident happened, we had to conduct immediately a full investigation and shared the learning with Management and workforces. We worked together to be proactive, to save our business which is people and environment.

Qualités personnelles - Soft skills


Plein temps

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


français -  professionnel
anglais -  expérimenté
bambara -  langue native / maternelle

Mon parcours

E... - Directeur adjoint des ressources humaines

Octobre 2020 - Présent


Master, Relations internationales - Gaziantep university

2015 - 2017